Make a nice bouquet on your own

I’m going to show you how easy it is to refresh your plants-by cutting the stems-and at the sametime create a nice decoration for your office/house/table etc. Only things we need are: Anigozanthos (any variety you like), a vase, a piece of decoration fabric and ribbon.

For this post I used two small pots (14cm) of Bush Gem Tenacity. My plants are still small and I want them to branch more and better. For that reason I’m going to cut the stems to initiate side shoots which are going to bear flowers. That way, my plant becomes “bushier” and flowers more and more. It’s a good practice to remove dead foliage and the stems from your plants once or twice per year. Especially for the Bush Gem group, this practice refreshes your kangaroo paws and helps them survive longer and blossom more.


Cut the stem close to the leaves. If necessary, push the leaves aside so you can reach closer to the base of the stem. We don’t want big leftovers on our plants and at the same time we need as long stems as possible for our bouquet. When you cut the stems remove any dead or dry foliage from your plant. Place your pot to a sunny position where it can get a lot of sunlight and make sure it won’t dry out. In a few weeks you’ll be surprised by the number of new stems it’s going to give you!

Take the stems you removed in one hand and cut them in the same length, more or less. Then place them in a vase and add some water. For my office I wrapped my vase with a decoration fabric and used ribbon to enrich the decoration. Maybe it’s too much for an office but surely it will be perfect for your house, or even a wedding.

Make sure you change the water of your vase once per week and add some fresh water every second day. Anigozanthos flowers drink a lot but if they don’t dry out they will add interest to your table for weeks! You can place your vase to direct sunlight, even out of your house. The flowers like the sunlight and the more they can get, the more they maintain their wonderful colors.