Few Municipalities of Greece have connected their name so closely with floriculture like Kifissia. Therefore, when they choose to plant Anigozanthos in the new parking next to the central park, the honor is more than great!
It didn’t take a lot of time for the idea to become action: the Municipality staff repaired damaged irrigation system in three flower beds and the people from Anigozanthos Project arrived with everything important to do the planting. We used more than 120 plants of Pearl, Inferno, Bonanza, Tenacity and Volcano which will grow throughout summer and autumn and impress the locals by the end of winter with colors that have not been seen in such constructions in the area!

In gardening we generally prefer to plant our crops in autumn to have time to settle before the high demands of summer. In our case, however, it was not feasible, for this reason we removed all the flowers from the plants to limit the needs during the very hot days of July. The decision was proved salutary as the next day of planting a strong storm bombarded with hail Anigozanthos wounding the leaves! Despite the difficult start, we are confident that there will be no losses thanks to our great genetics!

In Australia, Anigozanthos grows natively in areas with Mediterranean climate type, thus it is suitable for planting in most parts of Greece! Famous for its intense blooming with beautiful colors that starts in February and ends in October in our country, while the shape and color of flowers gives an exotic view to plantations.
Anigozanthos special characteristics and rich flowering were the main reasons why Municipality chose it for planting in Parking “Platanos”. Kifissia citizens are known for their love for flowers and a new species like Anigozanthos could not escape their attention!
We’d like to thank Mr. Komianos for the idea and efforts to make this planting happen as well as Mrs. Katsika for supervising the project!

Find more ideas on how to use Anigozanthos here.